In case you were wondering why there were so many pics over the weekend (or not), I'll tell ya! Markus surprised me with an early birthday present Thursday. A new baby girl named Canon, or EOS Rebel t1i if you want to get technical. She weighs 1lb 0oz and came with an instruction manual that might as well be in French. Like any new mom I am trying to get to know my new baby but she is a tough one to learn. I spent all weekend playing around with the manual settings but decided it's best I shoot in full auto until I learn more about this camera. She has amazing capabilities so I'm thinking of signing up for a beginners photography class at our local vision arts school. Any help I can get with her will be better than none.
Here are some of my favorite photos from this weekend. Nothing spectacular but just wait until I take that class and read a few books recommended from our wedding photographer, Tisha. You will be begging me to show you my skills. Actually, you will probably be begging me to put the camera down and not quit my day job! I'll leave the professional shooting to Tish. She is ah mazing!

I've also started a Flickr account so I can keep track of my progress. It's located in the right column of the blog, feel free to follow me there, too.
please learn so you can come tutor me!