Well, I'm officially toothless & metal mouth but more on that later. Gotta tell the fun stuff first. I had off Friday so I could get nice and drugged when yanked my teeth out. We were planning on having a relaxing morning at home but who could sleep when their were 2 new babies coming into the world? I got a text from Lindsay at 5:30 a.m. saying she was finally in labor and my favorite part, "just got my epidural and am in heaven". Little did I know I would be feeling her high later that morning.
Anyway, back to the story. According to Lindsay's doctors they thought she would progress quickly since she was at 6cm when she came in. Estimated time of delivery was before 9 a.m. So we were on pins and needles all morning, anxiously awaiting to hear that mom and babies were doing well. I even took my phone into my procedure in case someone called with news. I was that excited! All that lead to was a bunch of texting while on nitrus, none of which I remember until I checked my phone later in the evening. Kind of like drunk dialing excpet with non of the remorse.
We finally heard from Carlos around 7 that evening. Lindsay tried her hardest to have the babies the old fashioned way but after pushing for 3 hours(!!!) they had to take them via c section. Lindsay and babies were fine the whole time, they think both babies were jockeying for position and trying to come out at the same time. They were just as anxious to meet the world as the world was for them.
So, without further ado I intoduce to you Carlos Oliver Morales weighing in at 5lbs, 16oz

and his baby brother Phillip Gabriel Morales weighing in at 6lbs, 06oz.

Mom, babies, and Dad are doing great and are at home falling in love with each other. I took so many pictures of the babies and I honestly can't tell them apart. They aren't sure if they are identicial or faternal twins because they really do look alike so they are doing a path test to be sure. Stay tuned!!!
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