It has been a FUN week around our house. Markus had off for FIVE whole days (not including Saturday evening when got home at 6 p.m. and was able to attend a surprise bday party with me!) 5 days sounds like a lot on paper but when you factor in me working 32 of those hours, chores, and misc. engagements it wasn't as much quality alone time as I would like but I'll take anything at this point. We visited with friends, had lunch and dinners together, spent time alone, and Markus was even able to squeeze in a round of golf!
Rachel and Steven were still visiting from Florida so we were also able to spend some time with them as well. Even though they were here for 3 weeks, it feels like a lot less. There is always so much to do and not enough time. But we were able to squeeze in some family dinners, a game or two of catch phrase, and some fun at Dave & Busters.
Lindsay is still pregnant(!) so we planned a girls night in for her while Markus had a guys night out with Carlos. Probably the last time he will see the inside of a bar for a loooooong time. Just kidding Carlos, kids don't change your life that much ;) Lindsay was super excited to have visitors since she has been on bed rest for 2 weeks. We brought over dinner and her favorite dessert and sat around and talked about girl stuff. Christina and Suzi (both have kids) filled Lindsay in on what birth would be like and all the messy details. Probably not something you want to hear before birthing 2 babies but at least she is well prepared.
I snapped this photo of Lindsay because I'm sure she will want to remember what she looked like at 35 weeks pregnant with twins. Lindsay was nice enough to hold my glass of red wine while I took her picture. No drinking for pregnant ladies, no sir. And did I mention she is having twins? Looking good Linds!
And on another note, Charlie has recovered from his love sickness. He had some quality time with dad and brother and was feeling like his old self in no time.

Is it weird that our male dogs tongue kiss?

But like all good things, it must come to an end. Markus left for work this morning and the kids are headed back to Florida. Which means today will be my first day coming home to an empty house in weeks. I usually don't mind alone time but I think I have gotten used to having company. The house is going to feel empty and quiet without all the people and animals. If you would like to visit, let me know!
Happy 4th of July!!!
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