Have a great week!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Plate
First up was a Mexican tortilla soup with jalapeno cornbread. I searched the Internet to get the basic ingredients and then made a variation with stuff I had around the house and could eat. You could easily add meat to this by picking up a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken.

Totrilla strips
1. In a medium stock pot, heat a little olive oil over medium heat. Saute onions and garlic in oil until soft. Stir in chili powder, oregano, tomatoes, broth, and water. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Stir in corn, chiles, beans, and cilantro. Simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Ladle soup into bowls, and top with crushed tortilla chips, avocado slices, cheese, and chopped cilantro.
And for the cornbread, who better than the Paula Deen, the queen of butter? Go here for the recipe. It was delicious!

I found the next recipe on The Kitchen and again varied it slightly for my taste. Quinoa is becoming one of my favorite grains. It's hearty enough and full of protein that it can substitute meat and yet delicate enough that you can add a ton of flavors to it. Here is the original recipe for Quinoa Tabbiouleh. Instead of cooking the grain in just water I added vegatable stock and lemon juice for flavor. I left out the mint because I'm not a fan of it in my food and I added toasted pine nuts. I didn't soak the red onion in water because I didn't find it necassary. I think the key here is to make sure the quinoa has cooled to room tempature so it doesn't soak up all the vinaigrette. Another key is very fresh ingredients. My favorite feta is a brand I get at Fresh Market that is imported from Greece and made from sheep's milk. It really does make a huge difference.

And to beef up this meal, I served it with a piece of baked Salmon that I cooked in an aluminun foil packet. I added a little extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and zest, sea salt, pepper, capers, minced garlic, and some parsely and baked it at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

I haven't had a chance to make this recipe, but it is next on the list for sure. I found it on my favorite food blog site - Eat, Make, Read. Kelly is always cooking up something amazing in her tiny Brooklyn kitchen. I would love to be a fly on the wall (or maybe a guest at the dinner table!). I cannot wait to try her spicy corn cakes with fresh salsa. If the name of the recipe doesn't entice you than the pictures sure will!

This recipe is perfect for me because it's soft AND it has corn on the cob inside the cake. Corn on the cob is one of my favorite summer treats but with these dang braces it's impossible to eat!
Bon Appetit!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Photography & Family

Markus and I are having a competition to see whose tomatoes do better. I put mine in the backyard and he put his in the side yard. He is winning.

This is a hummingbird that lives in my Ficus tree. He has been in it for 5 years and hasn't fallen off yet!

Mom was watering my tomatoes and I just thought this looked cool. I tried to get a closer shot but it didn't come out that great.

The heavens at dusk. I love the way the light from the flash bounces off the lower limbs.

Last week was my moms 53rd birthday. Doesn't she look good for her age?

I had a little get together at our house for her. Buz & Ned's barbecue, Baskin Robbins ice cream cake, and balloons.
I had the camera around my neck pretty much the whole night. I'm sure people are going to get tired of me taking their picture but I just can't help myself. You never know when you are going to get a great shot and practice makes perfect. Or in my case, decent.
Granddaddy and Meme enjoying cake. And, if you look closely you can see Jeopardy in the background. Granddaddy never misses Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy!
Can you tell we are related?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Music Monday: Pete Yorn
I can't wait to see him in concert!
Follow Friday: Hooked on Houses

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's a Canon
Here are some of my favorite photos from this weekend. Nothing spectacular but just wait until I take that class and read a few books recommended from our wedding photographer, Tisha. You will be begging me to show you my skills. Actually, you will probably be begging me to put the camera down and not quit my day job! I'll leave the professional shooting to Tish. She is ah mazing!

I've also started a Flickr account so I can keep track of my progress. It's located in the right column of the blog, feel free to follow me there, too.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The rest of the weekend
The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, recovering, and hanging out with friends. Markus even played hookie Saturday so he could
We did a lot of napping.

Played with the other twins in our life, Capri and Weber. These guys will be 1 next month!

Had dinner with the gang (minus new parents, Lindsay and Carlos).

And finished the night off with a friendly game of Taboo, boys against girls. Boys won but only because they cheat ;)
It was a much needed weekend at home. We both went back to work feeling rested and ready for the long week ahead. Something that rarely happens after the week ends and a new one begins.
Anyway, back to the story. According to Lindsay's doctors they thought she would progress quickly since she was at 6cm when she came in. Estimated time of delivery was before 9 a.m. So we were on pins and needles all morning, anxiously awaiting to hear that mom and babies were doing well. I even took my phone into my procedure in case someone called with news. I was that excited! All that lead to was a bunch of texting while on nitrus, none of which I remember until I checked my phone later in the evening. Kind of like drunk dialing excpet with non of the remorse.
We finally heard from Carlos around 7 that evening. Lindsay tried her hardest to have the babies the old fashioned way but after pushing for 3 hours(!!!) they had to take them via c section. Lindsay and babies were fine the whole time, they think both babies were jockeying for position and trying to come out at the same time. They were just as anxious to meet the world as the world was for them.
So, without further ado I intoduce to you Carlos Oliver Morales weighing in at 5lbs, 16oz

and his baby brother Phillip Gabriel Morales weighing in at 6lbs, 06oz.

Mom, babies, and Dad are doing great and are at home falling in love with each other. I took so many pictures of the babies and I honestly can't tell them apart. They aren't sure if they are identicial or faternal twins because they really do look alike so they are doing a path test to be sure. Stay tuned!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Operation Smile
Monday, July 6, 2009
Music Monday: Tori is Touring
Friday, July 3, 2009
Follow Friday: Let's hear it for the boys
Ryan is the man behind the blog Pacing the Panic Room and it is a must read for me everyday. He is a photographer located in FL (the central part, as he says) and has created a blog about everything from photography to chickens to his growing family. Ryan's wife, Cole, recently gave birth to their first child, Tessa Tangerine, so his posts have slowed down a bit but you can always read through his archives for a good story. Also check out his Maternity Series where each week of Cole's pregnancy he photographs her growing belly and writes a little blurb to their unborn child. Ah mazing photography and a great way to get to know the man behind the lense.
Another great "daddy" blog is Dad Gone Mad written by Danny Evans. I think the title pretty much sums up the point of the blog. But if not, he has also written a book titled Rage Against the Meshugenah: Why it Takes Balls to Go Nuts. It comes out August 4th and I can't wait to add it to my collection of summer reads. If it is anything like the blog, it will be great read on a subject that not many men discuss but should.
And then there was one
Rachel and Steven were still visiting from Florida so we were also able to spend some time with them as well. Even though they were here for 3 weeks, it feels like a lot less. There is always so much to do and not enough time. But we were able to squeeze in some family dinners, a game or two of catch phrase, and some fun at Dave & Busters.
Lindsay is still pregnant(!) so we planned a girls night in for her while Markus had a guys night out with Carlos. Probably the last time he will see the inside of a bar for a loooooong time. Just kidding Carlos, kids don't change your life that much ;) Lindsay was super excited to have visitors since she has been on bed rest for 2 weeks. We brought over dinner and her favorite dessert and sat around and talked about girl stuff. Christina and Suzi (both have kids) filled Lindsay in on what birth would be like and all the messy details. Probably not something you want to hear before birthing 2 babies but at least she is well prepared.

Is it weird that our male dogs tongue kiss?

Happy 4th of July!!!