Friday, October 16, 2009

Follow Friday: Me!

Sometimes I wonder if I'm writing to myself or if I have an audience outside of my husband. I know he checks the blog because he tells me but is there anyone else out there? Not that I mind writing to myself, I find it therapeutic. But I am just a tad bit curious of who is out there. If you are reading and you want to say hello, please do! And feel free to "follow" me so I can get to know my audience outside of my husband.

Happy Friday!



  1. I do! I check in once a week or so, usually if I need a break at work or if I'm on a really boring conference call. It's nice to know what's going on with you and the bro, and I also enjoy your story telling and the pictures. I'd like to start a blog/scrapbook/photo album of some sort, and think this is a great way to do it - I just know I would not be as diligent as you about keeping a blog updated and interesting, so I may want to find something simpler. But anyway, I really enjoy reading your blog - keep it coming!


  2. I love your blog too! Always checking it! I'm so busy with school, its my way of staying on the "in" with you guys! Hope to see you soon for Halloween!

  3. You are so cute. I love reading your blog. Don't stop!

