If you aren't from the NJ/New York area, you might say you were going to the beach or heading to the shore. But that is wrong. The only way to describe going to a beach in NJ, is "down the shore". Even if you are south and you are going north, it's still down. Crazy New Jersians (is that a word?). Anyway, that's where we go next, down the shore. Specifically Cape May, NJ, which is as far down as you can get.
I wrote this post a few months ago expressing how I was dreaming of going to Avalon, NJ. Little did I know I would have the opportunity this summer. Cape May is 2 towns down from Avalon so the first night we were in town we went to the tiny island for dinner. It had stormed earlier in the evening and we got a fantastic view of the sky by the beach afterwards. Sorry for so many pictures, I couldn't help myself. The sky looked so different the further the sun set.
The next day we decided to rent bikes and explore before hitting the beach. We rode through town, grabbed breakfast, and then rode along a country road that lead to the lighthouse with great views of Cape May. 

Cape May is known for having beautifully restored Victorian houses. This one was outside our hotel window. I wonder when it was built and who has lived there.
We hit the beach after our bike ride and stayed there for hours. Markus had to drag me away from it. I knew it was going to be one of the last times I saw it. And, oh how I love the beach.
We ended the trip with a great seafood dinner, a ferry ride, and some corn fields.
GREAT PICS!!!! Wow.. getting good girl! LOVING the blog!