It's Friday at 3:54 p.m. The end of another work week with the weekend just in sight. I like to end my Friday by catching up with some of my blog friends. I don't always get a chance to read them during the week and my reader is full of new posts. I thought I would share some of my favorites, just in case you would like to end your work week as unproductive as I do after a semi-productive week. Did that even make sense? It's been a long day. Anyway, some of these show up in my "blogs that I follow" and some I just randomly check in on.
My favorite "design" blog is written by Erica from Urban Grace Interiors. She has my dream job of being a work-at-home interior designer. She has great style and her blogs are always fun to read. She also shares details of her life and through that I have found my next favorite blog, which is written by her twin sister. Darby's blog, titled Fly Through My Window, is about a stay-at-home mom which just so happens to be my 2nd dream job. Darby is very crafty. She is always sharing recipes and ideas on how to keep 3 kids entertained through crafts. Another great blog I found from Erica is In(side) the Loop. Courtney started her blog in Houston, TX but has since moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and started another blog, Shrimp & Petroleum. Following Courtney in her travels throughout Southeast Asia helps with my wanderlust.
Another favorite is dooce, which is written by Heather Armstrong. Somewhat of a celebrity in the blog world, Heather was fired from her job in 2001 after blogging about work and now blogs freely and lucratively from home. Rebecca from Girls Gone Child is another blog I like to check up on. She is a work-from-home mom blogging about life in LA and what it's like being a unconventional mother of two.
I have more that I'll share later. Happy reading!
*And because I think posts without pictures are boring, I leave you with this:
That's Charlie, wishing everyone a fabulous weekend!
It never really occurred to be to follow a blog, until you got started with yours. And now that you've suggested some of these other blogs, I had to check one of them out during my lunch break. I went to the Urban Grace Interiors one, which is very interesting and got me thinking that with my lack of interior decorating talent, perhaps this is a good way for me to get some ideas. So I scroll through some of her pictures and see this one where there are doilies in shadowboxes hanging over a bed. Well, the crazy thing is yesterday I found all these doilies that I've received over the years as gifts, but that have been in storage because I don't have a clue what to do with them. Then I thought, what if I hang them on the wall - and now, a day later, on this blog I find the perfect solution. It was like I was meant to find this blog - thanks Sarah!
I love her blog! She has some great ideas on design and I love seeing her clients before and after pictures. Glad I could help :)