I have been a "mommy" to our fuzzy male children for quite some time now and we refer to Charlie & Meeko as "the boys". But come June there will be a new boy in our lives. We found out what we already suspected, that you are indeed a boy. My baby boy. I hope your furry brothers will love you as much as we already do.
I feel so connected to you know and can already picture what you are going to look like. Your profile in the ultrasound was so cute and showed you sucking your thumb. I can't wait to meet you in June, but for now I'm content with having you swimming around in my tummy, giving me little kicks to let me know you are okay.
Now that we know you are a boy, I have ideas swimming around in my head for baby names and nursery ideas. I hope you like what we come up with. For now we are calling you Finn. I have been talking & singing to you lately. I hope you can hear me, although my singing voice isn't as good as your Granma's. Your daddy has been lying his head on my tummy to see if he can feel you, and he kisses you in my belly every chance he gets. You are already so loved by all of your family and we are all looking forward to meeting you in June.
You are 6 inches long and weigh 10 ounces at 19 weeks. The baby book says you're about the size of a tomato. I can hardly wrap my head around that!
Keep growing, little man. We are halfway there.
Your mommy